Welcome to the Brimington Parish Council website, providing information on the Parish of Brimington in Chesterfield and on Brimington Community Centre.




Dear Macmillan Bowlers, Sponsors, Members, Friends and Visitors

Thank you for you support and generous donations

We are delighted to announce another absolutely fantastic amount £6100,61 has been raised to be donated to the NGS Macmillan Centre at Chesterfield Royal Hospital to provide help for local people.

Included in the above amount is a generous £1000.oo donation from Steve Coe of SBK itsolutions.

Your support as always is very much appreciated.


From Pam, Elaine, Mandy & Brimington Bowling Club Members


Brimington Parish Council thank everyone that attended and contributed to this years Brim Fest. We have now had all the income and the invoices in for the event and so are delighted to be able to release the accounts information.

Set up Fund from Brimington Parish Council £1500.00
Event Sponsorship £500.00
Stalls including Bar £1505.00
Tickets £4002.35
Dog Show £169.00
Car Show £60.00
Total Income £7736.35
Infrastructure (Toilets, skips, medics, sound engineer etc) -£1570.00
Entertainment (Climbing Wall, bouncy Castles, musicians etc) -£2790.00
Total Expenditure -£4360.00
Split of Profit
Friends of Thistle Park £500.00
Ashgate Hospice £200.00
RSPCA £200.00
Balance for Brim Fest 2025 £2476.35

The balance for Brim Fest 2025 has now been transferred into a separate account and will enable us to ensure that the event is self-funding for future years. We very much want the event to continue and to grow and the planning has already begun for next year.


  Congratulations on receiving the Civic Award to Angela Bottom who has served as a leader of the 1st Brimington Brownies for 24 years. She has made a difference in the lives of so many young people in our community and works for many community projects. And to Peter Thomson for his many years service for Brimington Luncheon Club . He comes in early each Tuesday to prepare all the veg, takes home the waste for recycling and is always there to help everyone.


Annual Report 2024 –

Chair Councillor Dave Culley

Annual Report of Chair Councillor Dave Culley – presented at Annual Parish Meeting 21 May 2024.

Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for attending the Annual Meeting of Parish Electors in Brimington.

Brimington Parish Council is the local authority that makes decisions on behalf of the people in the village of Brimington and has an overall responsibility for the well-being of the local community.  It is the level of government closest to the community with Chesterfield Borough above it in the hierarchy.

We have ten Councillors, five representing Brimington North and five representing Brimington South. All Parish Councillors are volunteers, they receive no wages or expenses for the work they undertake for the community.

As Parish Councils are the authority closest to the people we are invariably the first place people will go to with concerns or ideas; and for this reason we are a vital part of the community.  Our work falls within three main categories; including representing the local community, delivering services to meet local needs and striving to improve the quality of life in the Parish.

Each year we get a small precept via the Council Tax collected by Chesterfield Borough Council.  We have striven for the forth coming year to ensure that during this cost of living crisis that we have kept this cost minimal for the Council Tax payers in Brimington. This is despite having our own rising costs.  Therefore the cost for a Band A property is £15.63 per year, a rise of just 35pence per year.  We use this money carefully and put services and events on for residents in the Parish.

Our accounts are scrutinised by an internal auditor and also by a government appointed external auditor.  The accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 were found to be correct and no matters or concern or comment were raised by the auditors.  The accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024 have been scrutinised by the internal auditor and our finances and processes found to be working well.  The accounts  been approved by Council at the May meeting and submitted to PKF Littlejohn LLP for the external audit.

The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on all planning matters within the village; at each meeting we consider all planning applications that fall within our boundary. We rarely comment on small household applications, but when it is felt that an application would not be of benefit to Brimington we submit those concerns to the Planning Department at Chesterfield Borough Council.

To help us carry out our work we employee four part-time members of staff. Two part-time caretakers Sally and Kevin look after the Community Centre and support the various groups and people who hire our facilities. Liz our part-time Clerk looks after all our administration, meetings and finance. And we have had the first year of Georgina in post in the new role of Community Centre and Events Organiser. This is a new team and we are all working hard to ensure that the Parish Council and the Community Centre are serving Brimington residents.

The Parish Council run Brimington Community Centre which delivers a wide range of activities for the people within the village.  We try to keep our rates affordable to hirers and the rates have not risen since 2016.

We also support Tuesday Lunch which provides a home cooked dinner for people this is open to all and is a valuable meeting place for parishioners.   This year we have funded First Aid and Food Hygiene training for the volunteers and purchased various items of equipment.

Other groups that use the Centre include exercise and dance groups, an art class, bingo, indoor bowls and a history group.   As well as hosting many children’s and family party events.  New groups are always welcome.

Each year we give a grant to the Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre and this pays for a worker to come up to the Centre each week and give free advice on benefits and welfare issues to people in the village. This advice is available to all residents

We have been fortunate to receive Community Infrastructure Levy monies and as well as funding some works in the Community Centre and Events for the community, we have also been able to provide grants to the schools and various groups.  This year we have funded a defibrillator at Manor Infant School, a school outing for families at Henry Bradshaw School, An event hosted by First Brimington Brownies, restoration of the Cemetery Chapel Bell and the holding of an exhibition to commemorate forty years since the Miner’s Strike.  We have further monies available to constituted community groups and applications can be made to the Clerk for financial assistance.

Each year in conjunction with the Church we organise the annual Remembrance Parade and Service.  We have also purchased flags to commemorate eighty years since the D Day  landings.

Events have been varied this year commencing with a Puppet Show and Games afternoon, a table top sale and last year we held the first Brim Fest, which was well received.  Brim Fest this year will be held on the 27 July on Thistle Park and will be a much larger event, with lots to entertain all the family.

The Christmas Tree Switch On Event was also larger last year, with a Christmas Market being held during the day, an opportunity for Lantern Making for a parade from the Community Centre to the Tree. We also organised the annual Brass Band Carol Concert and a professional pantomime at subsidised rates for families in the village.

We have been undertaking monthly litter picks to help clean up the village, requesting increased grass cutting and the filling of potholes and other matters. We will continue to build on the work that we have been undertaking to serve the people of Brimington.



Benefits and Advice Sessions between 9.00am and 12noon each Monday morning in Brimington Community Centre – free of charge and no booking needed. Lots of people in Brimington have already been helped to claim what they are entitled to.

MACMILLAN FUND RAISING EVENT Congratulations The Brimington Macmillan Charity Event has raised £8574.00 this year. A massive thank you to Brimington Bowling Club for organising and to everyone that has helped to raise this fantastic amount of money.

Report a crime

Is it an emergency? Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service 18000 or text us on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.

If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of crime please report it to us.

Reports are dealt with by our control room in exactly the same way whether you report it online at https://www.derbyshire.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/ or call 101.





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